Friday, March 6, 2009

Sh*t, meet fan

I will probably delete this post at some point.

I have had a horrible shit day. It is nearly 11pm, and my husband has been in the emergency room for 7 or 8 hours now. He injured his back horribly this morning at about 8am, to the point that he collapsed on the floor and has not been able to move on his own since. He cannot walk or move at all on his own, and sitting is unbearably painful. They have given him an amazing amount of drugs at the ER and they haven't helped AT ALL. There was not even a chair for me to sit in at the ER. I had to go home, because as lucky timing would have it, we had a friend come into town today to visit for 10 days. We had no food in the house so I had to figure out how to feed her. And now I'm going to try to get some rest, I guess, because the doctors seem to have given up at this point. They have no idea what's wrong with him nor do they have any idea what to do with him. Normally they'd just send him home, but since he cannot move at all, that's not an option.

I hope I go to sleep and when I wake up, this day has just all been a very bad dream.

1 comment:

Tamara @ Zoona Nova said...

Desiree! My God! We are thinking of you both. Take care and a speedy recovery to your husband. Love, Tamara and Andrea