Sunday, March 8, 2009

pang'ono pang'ono

I am due for a bit more pole-pole in my life... also known as pang'ono pang'ono, depending on your locale.

Thankfully, Nathan is doing a bit better. I was not at all impressed by the 'care' he was given at the emergency room. I have been in the ER many times with my father and other people, and never have I seen such shoddy care (and this in one of the more developed countries of the world!)... Not even a glass of water offered in 16+ hours, much less anything done to address what was causing the terrible pain. So, still no answers. We are existing in a space of unknowns together right now. At least we like each other. If only just a little.

Generally I am a fan of the NHS, but when it comes to emergency services, apparently they are SORELY lacking. Anyway, Nathan is home now and semi-ambulatory with crutches, so that's an improvement. I considered cancelling my Malawi trip, but he is insisting I go. His father will probably be visiting for part of the time instead, which is good since he is due for a visit anyhow. I've taken two days off work for this - which I don't regret AT ALL for a loved one - but now I am that much further behind. Now running running running to catch up!!! (Figuratively speaking, not so much literally the past few days.)

Optimistically, the next couple of weeks carries promise of the London Eye, a couple of musicals, a big end of term dinner with friends, too much coffee, lots of late nights of panicky research for my internship followed by several days of manic essay-writing. Then I throw things into a backpack and fly away.

I realize how ridiculously lucky I am when I list all of this, and yet I ask that you please humor me while I indulge in a bit of escapism right now.

I'm a pretty simple girl, really. Right now my perfect day would be an afternoon of hanging out with these beautiful people,

followed by a bit of gossiping, dancing and singing with the adult learners in Balaka,

then an evening of Stout, fried chicken, and silly dancing, probably with these girls:


Or I'd be going swimming in the Indian ocean with these kids, whom I adore to excess,

later watching these kids in Balaka doing my favorite dance (I forget what it's called, but it's brilliant!),

Then beers with my friend Mshila, the village nurse in Takaungu, Kenya - the funniest person I know ...

If only all of these loved ones lived in the same village, I'd keep it as my home forever.

Back to work now...

What does YOUR perfect day look like?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Desirée! I'm just getting around to reading this post. Thanks for including me in your perfect day! It does sound lovely. Stout and chicken do complete it! - Cara