Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hilarious buzzwords

The essay I am writing contains all of the following terms:

collective action
elite capture
horizontal solidarity
social capital
vertical dependency
vita civile
magic bullet (this always sounds dirty to me)
institutional arrangement
intended beneficiary

The other day, after going shopping with a friend when I REALLY didn't want to, I complained that the outing didn't have 'mutual utility.'

I know, guys. WHAT?!

These days, I am full of it. There's no other way to describe it. I have become the caricature of the person I always made fun of. It's a shame! (Or as they say here... such a pity.)

Such language can be useful in certain contexts. I just hope I can discern the appropriate context when all of this is over.

1 comment:

wondermont said...

I was complaining about my DV426 paper to one of my friends at home, who's a writer (and doesn't speak Japanese), and she was like, "I'm sorry... It's like you're speaking Japanese." And then I feel sad because I realise I have no idea what any of it means either. I don't have any particularly choice words from my paper to share with you, but I definitely feel your pain.