Sunday, November 1, 2009

Starting anew

I am going to try to start up with the blogging again.

My life has changed dramatically since I last wrote. I finished my Masters and the most major relationship of my life (apart from my parents) has shifted. I went to Malawi over the summer for dissertation research and to do some work with Bola Moyo. For a number of reasons (but still less than I can count on one hand) I decided to not go back and work in Malawi as I had planned to do for so long and I am no longer involved with Bola Moyo.

Eventually I'll write about all those reasons in this blog, but not today. This is a new chapter in the Child of Chisale saga. My personal and my professional life have shifted and I find that I've lost myself in the chaos of it all in the past few months. I've not been myself. I want myself back (how self-absorbed, I know), and the only way I've ever been able to get clarity about anything in life is to write myself through it. This will still be a mix of the personal and professional, because I've never been able to discern those different aspects of myself so well. (A recurring theme throughout my life that has caused me more trouble than I care to admit.)

So here I am. Hello world - Anachisale - that "clever lady" is back.

Not for better or worse. Not much could have been worse than these past few months. This time it's only for the better.