Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Edutainment/Soap operas in Africa?!

One of the ideas I keep coming back to that seems more frivolous than others is the general topic of education through media as well as social marketing, specifically via soap operas. I never watch soap operas in the states, but I know they have a wide audience throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and thus huge potential for information dissemination. I also seem to keep finding organizations that are doing this sort of work over and over and over this year....

In any case, if I were to write my own soap opera script, it would be about a young Malawian (or Kenyan, since that's what I know) woman in her mid-20s, married with a few children who goes back and pursues her education through informal means. In fact, I think the story would involve a whole group of women in a literacy program, the daily ins and outs of their lives, as well as the trials and tribulations they encounter as they try to achieve 'personal development.'

Oh my gods, this sounds like SUCH fun. I am a HUGE dork.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you're just discovering who you are.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked this out yet? I sort of imagine you have. They do a radio soap opera in Malawi.

Desirée said...

Yes, thanks Dustin, I have been trying to arrange an interview with them when I am there actually...